My handsome man! He's going to be such a heart breaker one day.
So we recently began introducing solids to Sydney slowly but surely. She still hasn't quite gotten the hang of it. She more enjoys chewing on the spoon than anything, thanks to teething! Yesterday we discovered that she loves green beans! Good news: she loves green beans. Bad news: green beans stain! A little hard to see in the picture below, but she had it all over her PJ's. At least she's smiling!
So we recently began introducing solids to Sydney slowly but surely. She still hasn't quite gotten the hang of it. She more enjoys chewing on the spoon than anything, thanks to teething! Yesterday we discovered that she loves green beans! Good news: she loves green beans. Bad news: green beans stain! A little hard to see in the picture below, but she had it all over her PJ's. At least she's smiling!
He definitely looks like heartbreaker potential!! I love his mischievous eyes :)