Tuesday, September 1, 2009

First Day of Preschool

Well this week we started our homeschool curriculum for Carter. We are just doing a very basic, preschool (Pre-K 3.) Carter already knows most of his letters and sounds and counts pretty well, so I figure whatever he learns this year is just a bonus! I am using a curriculum by "Heart of Dakota" specifically for 2-5 year olds called "Little Hands To Heaven." The main focus is on Bible and learning the sounds. They do include math, drama, art and music. We are hoping to have fun this year. Of course we had to start the day off with a picture on our front door step. I always remember those pictures on my first day of school. Even though our children will not be going away to a school, I don't want to miss out on those fun photo ops. Carter was so excited and didn't even know why!

I love that I am his Mommy but also his Teacher! What a joy that is for me to be able to share this experience with him.

We set up our classroom in the dining room since it had the most space. I also liked how bright it was in there from the front windows. We started our day with the letter A, and learning the sound it makes. This is a breeze for Carter but I think it is so good to daily reinforce it so that he will soon enough be able to put the sounds together to start reading. I don't want to push him yet but love that he is excited to learn!

Here I drew a capital and lowercase Aa and put glue around them. Carter put cheerios on the glue. He loved this!

He was supposed to color something that started with the letter A. This was a little hard for him, so he just colored while we talked about different things that start with the letter A.

Today we had more fun. During math time, he drew a purple circle. I was amazed at how well he actually drew a circle! Then we went around the house first looking for things that were purple. He found seven things! Then we went around looking for circles around the house and he found twenty things! I really was so impressed with how well he did with it. We are also learning in Bible about how God created the world. We talked a lot about the animals that He made.
I can't believe that Carter is already going to be 3 in less than 2 months. It is amazing how much time flies. We are excited to see what this year brings.

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About Me

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I am a homeschooling mom to four. I just had a VBAC after 3 c-sections this year after I was told I no longer had the choice by my first Doctor. I am a childbirth instructor for Birth Boot Camp. My first class starts January of 2013!