Monday, December 14, 2009

Allergic reaction

If you know me well, you know I have suffered with allergies my whole life. But this past weekend I learned I had an allergy I never knew about! It was the night before Sydney's first birthday party and our friends were over playing games with us. During our game I was feeling like I needed to be doing something to prepare, so I got up to find some balloons and started blowing one up. The instant the balloon touched my mouth, I knew something was wrong. My lips started to tingle and get swollen. In the midst of all this, I had rubbed my eyes because they were itching like crazy. Not even realizing that there was a direct correlation to the balloon, I got up to take some claritin thinking my allergies were just bothering me for some reason. I sat back down and just felt awful. In between plays, I sat with my hands in my head because I was getting a headache and was having difficulty breathing. Meanwhile, Steve and our friends had no idea what was even happening to me. My friend said she looked at me and saw that my eyes were a little red but didn't think much of it. She looked down at her cards to make her play and within only 2 minutes when she looked back at me, I looked completely different. My eyes were completely swollen, red and watery, my mouth was swollen and my hand had welts on it!

Steve immediately went to the computer to look up latex allergy once we realized it was from the balloon (not sure why it took me that long to realize it!!) He said I needed to take Benadryl immediately. Of course we didn't have any, so our friend ran down the road to his parents' house to get some from them (it was 10 pm at this point!) Once I took the Benadryl, I began to feel a little better, but for awhile there we were certain we would be making a trip to the ER. Turns out, from what Steve read online, a latex allergy is developed over time, which is why I had never reacted in the past. It's also very serious!

The picture below doesn't do justice to what I looked like when it first happened, since this was post Benadryl, but you get the idea:

I'm just so thankful it happened when our friends were around, who so kindly stayed until after midnight just to make sure I was okay. We played one more game and let our boys watch TV (they were happy!) and they also helped me put together the goody bags for the party the next day. So now I have to go get tested to find out for sure about this new allergy!

Sydney's First Birthday

It's hard to believe it, but Sydney Nicole is One! I remember that day so clearly a year ago. I was sitting at work that morning, feeling a little different than normal. I had a headache, and felt like I was getting a fever. But I didn't feel like I was getting sick, I just didn't feel right. I went into my co-worker/friend's office to talk to her. Immediately she knew I wasn't right either! She said I looked flushed in my face. I decided to go to the local grocery store to take my blood pressure to see if it was elevated. Sure enough it was! Knowing that my OBGYN had told me at the previous appointment to call if my blood pressure went up, I reluctantly called. I was not ready to have this baby yet in my opinion, and I was hoping to have a VBAC instead of a c-section. Of course she told me to come in to see her. After checking my blood pressure at the office again, she told me she felt it was best to go ahead and have the baby that day. Of course secretly I was excited because I was just so ready to have this baby and meet her! A few hours later, Sydney Nicole was born, and we were never the same again...

So this past weekend we celebrated her birthday and had such a great time! Aside from my allergic reaction the night before, everything went off without a hitch!

We had a Christmas/Gingerbread theme, so when the kids first arrived, they decorated Gingerbread cookies.

I had also made a Gingerbread train for the centerpiece on the food table. Those things are not easy to assemble, but it turned out great!

We had chocolate cupakes with Gingerbread men on top!

I think Daddy was explaining to her here that she was supposed to blow out the candle now, and she was saying, "But I can't do that Daddy!"

This was Sydney's first experience with cake and icing. It's amazing to me how different our two children can be. On Carter's first birthday, he cried uncontrollably because he didn't like getting icing on his hands and face! So we braced ourselves to see how Sydney would react...

It was a success!! She loved it!

She was also very willing to share with everyone!

Sydney also loved opening up the gifts! She got such fabulous gifts from her friends and family!

Daddy did a great job helping her along.

A year later, we are so blessed by our sweet Sydney Nicole! She brings us such joy every day and couldn't imagine life without her!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Ages 6 and up...

That's what the outside of the box of this 100 piece puzzle said. Carter has become obsessed with puzzles (just like his Daddy and his math mind) and can put the 48 piece puzzles together in his sleep. We had a puzzle contest between Carter, Mommy and Daddy the other night. The three of us started the same type of puzzle at the same exact time. Of course Daddy finished first, but guess who got second? Carter beat Mommy by a landslide! So he borrowed this 100 piece puzzle from his older friend who is 5 to see if it would challenge him more. After a few tries, he put it together all by himself within 30 minutes, no help at all! Can you tell I'm proud?! :)

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Thanksgiving Feast

For those of you concerned that my children will not have enough socialization, being a homeschooling family, here is the proof that they will be just fine.

Every other Thursday we get together for a science day with other homeschool kids. We actually meet every Thursday. The mothers meet for prayer time and the kids get to play with each other. Then every other Thursday my friend Shannon leads a science day. She is a former teacher and does such a fabulous job teaching the kids! We usually have between 8-12 kids. This week we had a Thanksgiving feast! Shannon read to the kids about Squanto.

Then they had a relay race where they had to balance a cranberry on a spoon across the yard without dropping it.

The kids all had a fabulous time!

Carter did a great job, even though he did have to hold his spoon a little bit! Shhh, don't tell!

Then they made their own little "pumpkin pies."

Their final activity was to put pretzel sticks around the perimeter of a house. Carter loved this, because it was just like putting together his puzzles!

Then they put pretzels on the inside of the house to show the "area."

Sydney had fun too with the little boy who is just a few months younger than her! Soon enough, she'll be our little scientist too!

Monday, November 2, 2009

Fall Festival

First of all, we are not against Halloween or Trick or Treating. We just haven't actually taken our kids yet. Our church every year has a Fall Festival that is huge. Thousands of kids from the community come to the Festival where they have bounce houses and different games set up with candy at every game. It really is like trick or treating minus the walking from house to house and actually saying trick or treat! Carter doesn't know any different yet, and we figure as long as he is having fun with this, we'll stick with it for now. Maybe in a couple of years we'll venture off to our neighborhood as well, but the Festival really is a great time. Plus he also gets to see all of his friends there.

This year Carter was a pirate and he sure was the cutest pirate I have ever seen! One of Carter's favorite things on Dora are the Pirate Piggies, so I thought it would be fun for him to be a Pirate.

Sydney was a cute little pink ladybug. And of course she was the cutest ladybug I have ever seen!

And together... well you know... I'm a little biased!

I love this picture. They seem to be looking at each other saying, "What are you??"

This is our best pal Alex. He absolutely adores Sydney. And the feeling is mutual!

He and Carter are best pals too!

Daddy's little girl!

Sydney wasn't too happy after about 30 minutes of being there. She was ready to go home!

But once Daddy let her out of the stroller to play a little, she was happier.

This was the first year that Carter really got to enjoy the games. He loved playing baseball just like he does with Daddy!

We had a great time but were exhausted by the end of the evening. Thank goodness for the extra hour of sleep that night!

Camping is not my friend

I know many people who love to camp. I am not one of them. It goes back to my high school years with several "bad experiences" I'd like to call them. My best friend Tiana and I tried to "camp" in her back yard a couple of times and had bad experiences both times. Enough to scare us away from camping forever! The first night we had a "visitor" in a drunk man who wobbled down her street just feet away from us which led to a 3 am visit from the cops... the second time we heard a coyote outside our tent and then spent the rest of the night in search of Tiana's cat for fear he had escaped and had been eaten by the coyote. We found the cat safe and sound inside. Then a couple of years later I was camping with my youth group and a friend and I were up late talking and had an unexpected visit from pepe le pue himself! But it's been about 7 years since I have camped and I figured I could handle it this time. After all, I've lived in Africa with snakes and other critters. I can handle the outdoors! It was a beautiful October weekend, the perfect camping weather in Texas.

We found this caterpillar after it either stung or bit one of the kids camping with us. It was a rather interesting little thing and of course we had to take a picture.

Sydney isn't actually walking yet, but oh so close. Poor thing didn't have furniture to cruise around while we were there. So she was confined to her Mommy and Daddy the whole time. I think she still had a fun time!

Carter of course enjoyed himself as any three year old would!

Here was our tent, courtesy of the Murrays. Okay, so we didn't rough it too much on this trip. We had running water AND electricity! We also got to park right at our campsite. The woman were thrilled with this, but the men grumbled that it just wasn't quite camping enough for them! Oh well, the women won out on this one! We actually had a space heater at night which worked out quite nicely for us!

It was an okay camping experince for me over all. No major camping catastrophes. I didn't sleep much at all. I lay awake hearing every single noise around me: coyotes in the distance, a raccoon rummaging through our trash, the wind blowing up against the tent. Reminded me of the days long ago...
Just thankful my husband doesn't want to camp all the time!


About Me

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I am a homeschooling mom to four. I just had a VBAC after 3 c-sections this year after I was told I no longer had the choice by my first Doctor. I am a childbirth instructor for Birth Boot Camp. My first class starts January of 2013!