Friday, January 8, 2010

Meeting a Babyfit friend for the first time!

About 4 years ago when I first found out that I was pregnant with Carter, I joined a website called Babyfit. It's a website that promotes a healthy pregnancy and also provides an opportunity to meet other Moms who are pregnant at the same time. I had no idea that joining this site would give me the opportunity to make many wonderful and lasting friendships! I joined the October 2006 Moms group and made some amazing friends. We are all very good friends to this day and have now become friends on Facebook too, so we all keep in touch on a daily basis, sharing stories about our children, asking each other advice and so on. Some of us have already had our 2nd and 3rd children together. On our trip back from VA, we had the opportunity to stop in Knoxville to meet one of my best Babyfit friends, Kristen and her two little kiddos.

Here we are with our kids: Kristen with Will (6 months) and Lexi (3), myself with Sydney and Carter. The fun thing is that Lexi and Carter are the same exact age (Lexi is a few weeks older) and Will and Sydney are only 6 months apart.

Carter and Lexi had a blast playing together in the McD's playground! It was a fun little stop for us. For anyone who is pregnant, I highly recommend this website, I seriously don't know what I would do without it. It's so valuable to have other women there by your side who are going through the same things at the very same time!



About Me

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I am a homeschooling mom to four. I just had a VBAC after 3 c-sections this year after I was told I no longer had the choice by my first Doctor. I am a childbirth instructor for Birth Boot Camp. My first class starts January of 2013!